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October glory maple size

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You too will benefit from the wonderful shade this large canopy provides. Birds and pollinators will enjoy the tiny red spring flowers that create small reddish helicopter seeds later in the year. With that said, it is still a great addition to your local ecosystem. While developed from a North American native red maple, Acer rubrum, the October Glory' Maple Tree was cultivated in 1961 by Princeton Nursery so it does not qualify as a true native. These trees also produce great results when planted in wet areas and kept moist. While admiring the tree's changing color, be sure to keep your eye out for the tree's tiny red flowers that bloom in early spring! Ideal care for these leafy red majesties includes full sun and slightly acidic, well-drained soil. A superb choice as a high-branched shade tree for larger landscapes.īranches form a nicely shaped, spreading crown of lustrous dark green leaves that turn from brilliant orange to reddish-purple as autumn progresses. This fast-growing tree will provide show-stopping fall color late into the season, longer than with most other maples. The October Glory is a tall tree with a dense, rounded crown.

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October Glory Red Maple Trees are an outstanding shade tree within the Red Maple cultivar. October Glory Maple Trees for Sale Online

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